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Online Auction Guide

Throughout this period of restrictions all Ray White Craigieburn online auctions will be held via Zoom.

Online auctions work in the same way that a standard public auction would run, and all auction rules still apply.

To participate in an online auction:

Please ensure that you have applied to register to bid for the property – to do so please contact the agent.

Once the agent has received your registration, you will receive an invitation with a Zoom link for the online auction.

Please also ensure you have a stable internet connection at the time of the Auction.

During the auction:

We ask that you log into the Zoom link prior to the auction time to ensure that you do not miss the start of the auction.

The auction will run the same as a public auction, whereby the auctioneer will run through the REIV auction rules, and introduce the property.

Bidding during the auction:

During the auction we ask that you remain on mute until the auction has commenced unless you have any questions. We also ask that if you intend on bidding at the auction that you turn your camera on to ensure that the auctioneer can see you.

To make a bid in an online auction:

  • Please ensure you un-mute yourself and speak clearly to vocalise your bid,


  • Place your bid via the chat function, with your paddle number alongside your bid. Please ensure your chat function is set for visibility to everyone not jut the host. This ensures your bid is transparent and is seen by everyone watching the Auction.

Once a bid is received, the auctioneer will clearly state who the highest bid is sitting with based on your zoom name & paddle number.

After the auction:

If you are the highest bidder in an online auction, you will be contacted by a Ray White Sale Agent, who will then commence the digital contract signing as well as attending the EFT payment for your deposit.

Please Note: It is advised you ensure your daily bank transfer limit is increased to the maximum amount available to ensure deposit can be paid in full on the day.