Whether or not to allow pets, and most specifically dogs, in some-ones investment property is a very common conversation that I have with Landlords. My response to whether or not they should be allowed does vary depending on each individual set of circumstances.
As a general rule, if the property is suitable for pets then I believe it is a good idea to consider tenants with a pet. In saying that, there always needs to be some judgement around the style of the property, type of animal and the tenants attitude towards caring for their animal.
If we go ahead and approve someone’s request to have a pet in a rental property it will always be with restrictions and clauses that are added into their agreement.
Even if it is a Landlords preference not to have pets, which would certainly be a consideration when reviewing tenants, in reality if you have a choice between a fantastic tenant with glittering references and a pet v’s a tenant that has a couple of question marks next to their name and no pet, as a landlord you may find your best option is to go with the tenant with a pet.
The most important factor to allowing pets in your rental property is to include a special condition in the lease agreement which is the “pet clause”. An example of this is:
The LANDLORD hereby gives permission for the TENANTS to keep 1 Beagle dog named Jack at the premises. The TENANTS hereby acknowledges and agree to the following conditions:
The TENANT hereby agrees not to keep the dog inside the house. (Animal odours and urine cannot be cleaned out of carpets which would result in having to replace the carpet)
The TENANTS have agreed to rectify and meet all costs of any damage caused by the dog during the tenancy.
Stating the type of pet and name of the pet is important. You don’t want to approve the tenant to have a Jack Russell dog in a small court yard and six months later the Jack Russell passes away and then the tenant purchases a Rottweiler which you might consider unsuitable for a small court yard.
Ensure the tenant understands the pet policy and that it is signed. Conducting the first routine inspection at three months and every six months thereafter, this will give you peace of mind regarding the pet and in the unlikely event there is damage you can give the tenant the opportunity time rectify it during the tenancy.
To find out more on how you can maximise your return on your investment property, whether it be a single property or an entire portfolio contact Samantha Newton from Ray White Craigieburn on
03 9308 2277 / 0434 524 883 or email samantha.newton@raywhite.com