The key to success is making a few cute things to celebrate this bunny time of year. Not only will you feel super happy and full of Easter cheer, you will also feel a teensy bit smug at having got your craft on ahead of time. You will want to dub yourself a Crafty Martha. I mean Mother. Or indeed Father. Go YOU!
Easter envelope bunnies from Martha Stewart
Speaking of Martha, she has kindly made us this cute template to print and craft. This is a nice crafternoon activity for you and your child. Even nicer is the bit when you fill it with Easter treats!
Ukrainian eggs from Design Sponge
These eggs are made by drawing with wax onto blown-out egg shells, then dyeing them. If you don’t have a fancy wax pen, you can drizzle wax in patterns instead, or dip one end of your egg into wax before dyeing. You’ll get a cool dip-dyed effect!
Felt Easter basket from Kidspot
There is nothing prettier on Easter Sunday than a basket filled with sparkling foil-covered eggs! You can make this basket as shown, or simplify it a bit and hand stitch it up with your child. Pretty is not always perfect, after all!
Fabric eggs from Retro Mama
These fabric eggs are easy to make and they don’t have to be sewn perfectly to be pretty. Get a head start now, and you can gift them to your favourite people, or make them into ornaments to hang about your Eastery house!
Bunny finger puppets from The Purl Bee
Finger puppets are always heaps of fun, and you’ll be giggling your way through a bunny-filled puppet show if you have a go at these. You could take this idea and design some simpler bunnies, too. Better still, design bunnies with your kid!
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